What is a

Conference or Boardroom Automation

Enjoy the power

Imagine you enter your Board room and lights turned on automatically, temprature sets to a specific point, TV turned on, shades drops to a set level and virtually anything you can control

  • TV and Displays
  • Conference Systems
  • Audio System
  • Projector and Screen
  • Lights
  • Temprature
  • Shades
  • Door Lock

How Can Boardroom Automation Transform Your Office?

Few spaces in your office are more important than your boardroom or conference room. They’re often the first impression given off to clients whether through in-person meetings or video conferences. They are also collaborative spaces that allow for improved teamwork. So when you’re looking to optimize the efficiency in your business, why not start with boardroom automation?

Corporate meeting spaces in offices, hotel conference rooms or Business Centers provide a place for professionals to collaborate. Audio Visual technology, when installed correctly, makes the communication process easier and more efficient. Whether stepping through a PowerPoint presentation, reviewing spreadsheets or getting together with colleagues to brainstorm, well-designed space and properly installed AV equipment empower a presenter. conference spaces allow information, even finely detailed data, to be seen by many, facilitating an easy exchange of ideas.

Beyond serving merely as a location for internal meetings, your corporate boardroom should be a high-end, well-appointed room that will impress important clients and guests. Allow us to outfit it with the latest and greatest technology then take it a step further by concealing that technology! Projectors, screens, microphones, webcams; we have extensive experience integrating complex conferencing technology that’s easily used through a Central Control System yet completely invisible when not in use.

Corporate training rooms are important spaces, and we take a strategic view of your instruction process. By implementing complementary technologies, we can help improve and simplify your training process. Focusing on your ultimate training goals, we’ll evaluate your needs and determine the best AV solution for your budget. What are you trying to achieve? What do you already have installed? What needs to replaced…and what doesn’t?

Audio conferencing, video conferencing and content sharing have become a critical component of the modern workplace. These essential technologies allow businesses to communicate effectively, make decisions more quickly and decreases the need for travel. In our ever-expanding workplace that includes workers in and out of the office, collaborative web features have become more in demand. Accellence is experienced in integrating a variety of solutions. Whether it’s a soft-codec PC application or a SIP codec.

Check out the video how automation works

In the video you can see how neat and clean boardroom can look, without any single visible cable, even the microphone is in ceiling

Everything including room booking system can be integrated